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just a glitch
just a glitch
Date d'inscription : 07/08/2016
Messages : 444
x âge : ça ne se fait pas!!
x occupation : grand manitou


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[M/F/NB] nom du perso - petite citation qui va bien
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Have fun ! What a Face

Premier post

PRENOM NOMPetite citation qui va bien

avatar (crédit)

Informations générales
☕ âge ·  écrire ici
☕ orientation · écrire ici
☕ situation · écrire ici
☕ occupation · écrire ici
☕ quartier · écrire ici
☕ qualités · qualité, qualité, qualité
☕ défauts · défaut, défaut, défaut
☕ statut · écrire ici
☕ groupe · écrire ici

That's my story

To surpass others is fucking tough, if you only do as you are told you don’t have it in you to succeed. Practice won’t get you anywhere if you mindlessly fucking practice the same thing. Change only occurs when you work deliberately with purpose toward a goal. You need to sit down and sketch more fucking ideas because stalking your ex on facebook isn’t going to get you anywhere. To surpass others is fucking tough, if you only do as you are told you don’t have it in you to succeed.

Prénom Nom (lien/avatar)
There is no right fucking answer. The splendor of the mystery is that you don’t understand. What’s important is the fucking drive to see a project through no matter what. If you fucking give up, you will achieve nothing. The graphic designer’s first fucking consideration is always the size and shape of the format, whether for the printed page or for digital display. Defy fucking convention.

Prénom Nom (lien/avatar)
There is no right fucking answer. The splendor of the mystery is that you don’t understand. What’s important is the fucking drive to see a project through no matter what. If you fucking give up, you will achieve nothing. The graphic designer’s first fucking consideration is always the size and shape of the format, whether for the printed page or for digital display. Defy fucking convention.

Prénom Nom (lien/avatar)
There is no right fucking answer. The splendor of the mystery is that you don’t understand. What’s important is the fucking drive to see a project through no matter what. If you fucking give up, you will achieve nothing. The graphic designer’s first fucking consideration is always the size and shape of the format, whether for the printed page or for digital display. Defy fucking convention.

<div class="postadmin"><title>PRENOM NOM</title><subtitle>Petite citation qui va bien</subtitle>
<div class="id-head">
<div><img src="" />
<i><b>avatar</b> (crédit)</i></div>
<div><sub-border>Informations générales</sub-border>
<b>:coffee: âge</b> ·  écrire ici
<b>:coffee: orientation</b> · écrire ici
<b>:coffee: situation</b> · écrire ici
<b>:coffee: occupation</b> · écrire ici
<b>:coffee: quartier</b> · écrire ici
<b>:coffee: qualités</b> · qualité, qualité, qualité
<b>:coffee: défauts</b> · défaut, défaut, défaut
<b>:coffee: statut</b> · écrire ici
<b>:coffee: groupe</b> · écrire ici


<h2>That's my story</h2>
To surpass others is fucking tough, if you only do as you are told you don’t have it in you to succeed. Practice won’t get you anywhere if you mindlessly fucking practice the same thing. Change only occurs when you work deliberately with purpose toward a goal. You need to sit down and sketch more fucking ideas because stalking your ex on facebook isn’t going to get you anywhere. To surpass others is fucking tough, if you only do as you are told you don’t have it in you to succeed.

<callout><img src="GIFCARRE" class="avmini left"/><b>Prénom Nom</b> <i>(lien/avatar)</i>
There is no right fucking answer. The splendor of the mystery is that you don’t understand. What’s important is the fucking drive to see a project through no matter what. If you fucking give up, you will achieve nothing. The graphic designer’s first fucking consideration is always the size and shape of the format, whether for the printed page or for digital display. Defy fucking convention. </callout>
<callout><img src="GIFCARRE" class="avmini left"/><b>Prénom Nom</b> <i>(lien/avatar)</i>
There is no right fucking answer. The splendor of the mystery is that you don’t understand. What’s important is the fucking drive to see a project through no matter what. If you fucking give up, you will achieve nothing. The graphic designer’s first fucking consideration is always the size and shape of the format, whether for the printed page or for digital display. Defy fucking convention. </callout>
<callout><img src="GIFCARRE" class="avmini left"/><b>Prénom Nom</b> <i>(lien/avatar)</i>
There is no right fucking answer. The splendor of the mystery is that you don’t understand. What’s important is the fucking drive to see a project through no matter what. If you fucking give up, you will achieve nothing. The graphic designer’s first fucking consideration is always the size and shape of the format, whether for the printed page or for digital display. Defy fucking convention. </callout></div>

Deuxième post (facultatif)

What you really really want :

Ici, vendez-vous! Décrivez pourquoi ce scénario est plus cool que tous les autres et n'oubliez pas de parler un peu de vous en tant que rôliste / de ce que vous cherchez pour que tout se passe au mieux entre vous et votre futur·e partenaire potentiel·le ▌MODELE DE SCENARIO 2009284115

<callout>[b]What you really really want :[/b]

Ici, vendez-vous! Décrivez pourquoi ce scénario est plus cool que tous les autres et n'oubliez pas de parler un peu de vous en tant que rôliste / de ce que vous cherchez pour que tout se passe au mieux entre vous et votre futur·e partenaire potentiel·le :calinard:</callout>